Welcome to the Orlando Contra Dance! We feature high-tempo, gender-neutral dancing. We are Florida’s only gender-neutral contra series. Dancing is open to EVERYONE and FREE FOR STUDENTS and RETURNING BEGINNERS (2nd dance is FREE)!

New? Curious? Check out the video below or our What’s Contra? page!

We dance on 1st and 3rd Fridays. Scroll down for details on our next few dances. Schedule changes happen, so CHECK THE SCHEDULE before going!

Social media:

Here’s the first dance we did at UCF in Fall 2022. Almost nobody here knew how to dance 90 minutes earlier. You can do it, too!

We’re beginner-friendly and we’ll teach you everything you need to know. If you can walk, you can dance! No partner or experience needed. There are more videos on our What’s Contra? page and there’s an FAQ, too.


CALLERJoe DePaolo (Gainesville)
MUSICSandy Back Porch (Orlando):
Freddy Burky – fiddle
Stan Burns – guitar
Sandy Holdeman – bass


CALLERAngela DeCarlis (Gainesville)
MUSICJenny and the Stray Dogs (Tampa)
Clay Black – banjo
Ron Gilbert – guitar 
Jenny James – fiddle

Visit our Dances and Events page for the full schedule.


WHOEveryone! Contra is intergenerational. We have dancers from 7 to 70+, ranging from first-timers to experts! Typically 20+ people come, including 5+ beginners.
WHEREWinter Park Ballroom Dance Co.
6904 Aloma Ave
Winter Park, Florida
Click for map
Just East of Jeremiah’s Italian Ice
The floor is suspended hardwood with a poly finish.
SCHEDULE6:30 Door opens
6:40 Intermediate workshop – 2nd timers through advanced dancers, held if 4 attend
7:00 sharp! Beginner lesson!
7:30 – 10:30 Dance
10:30 Dessert at Jeremiah’s Italian Ice (3 minute walk)
LEVELBeginner/intermediate. Dances start easy and get more complex later. First-timers should be ready to dance for the lesson at 7:00.
COST$15. Students and job seekers: FREE! Your second contra ever: FREE!
PARKINGPlenty! Free!
CALLING TERMSCalling (dance instruction) is gender-neutral.
ATTIREWear what’s comfortable, see videos. This is athletic, so you will sweat. Hopefully a lot! Dress lightly and bring a water bottle. No perfumes, please. Stilettos and very high heels discouraged!
BRINGBringing snacks is encouraged! This is an alcohol-free event.


Contra Knights is UCF’s student contra dancing club, sponsored by Orlando Contra Dance. We are seeking UCF student officers to restart on-campus dances. If interested, email info@orlandocontra.org. Meanwhile, come to our Winter Park dances, where students dance FREE!